Goodnight book with fairy tales from around the world.
How did the frog prince become a prince?
Why did the little mermaid lose her tail?
Who are the Bremen Town Musicians?
Are the emperor's new clothes beautiful?
Why don't the trees bloom in the selfish giant's garden?
Where is the bird of happiness?
Short stories, sometimes funny and entertaining, sometimes tender and touching, adventures with animals, but also with elves, with hard-hearted witches and with good fairies.
Fairy tales for brave children, like the boy who set out to find Boreas, but also for beautiful girls, like the princess who fell into a deep sleep for a hundred years.
Let's meet the vain bat, the kangaroo who learned to dance on two legs, the fox who wanted to trick the stork, Ricky with the Mustache, Rapunzel who made her hair into a ladder, the Bambou who loved the Queen Bee, Goldilocks who met a family of bears.
Short fairy tales from the greatest storytellers of all time, such as Hans Christian Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, and Aesop.